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Bonkers Book Review


Updated: Apr 15, 2021

Milkman by Anna Burns

My daughter Emily has come up with a novel idea.

Both of us love reading and writing and when I asked if she'd help me with a Book Review Blog she suggested making it a bit different from the usual reviews.

Bonkers Book Reviews is fun to write so hopefully it will be fun to read!

Our first Bonkers Book Review is

Milkman by Anna Burns

If 'Milkman' was a...

Beverage – it would be Irish coffee. It’s set in Northern Ireland during 'the troubles' so you need something warm and comforting because it’s pretty bleak.

Car – definitely a Blue Lexus hybrid. It’s a hybrid of the past and present. The story is about the troubles in Ireland, but because no towns or cities are named the whole tale becomes universal. The characters throughout the book are impersonalised and have names such as ‘middle sister' or 'Somebody McSomebody’.

Holiday you would read it on – a week in a B&B in a UK coastal town.

Mood do you need to be in to read it – hardened and braced.

Your mood by the end – traumatized with easy-peeler sized remnants of optimism.

Title rating – 3/10. (depends on your relationship with milk. We think milk on its own is pretty disgusting and favour oat or soya).

Digestibility – Greasy fish and chips. You enjoy it while you’re reading it, but feel a bit sick by the end.

Page turnability – 8/10

PS Anna Burns shares my birthday!

I hope you enjoyed the review.

Did I mention it's been nominated for the 2021 Selfies Book Award?

I got so totally engrossed in this book that my poor dog nearly didn't get walked! I found it very difficult to put down. What a gripping story which is written in two parallel stories that merge into one at the end but leaves you wondering what happens next. Can't wait for the sequel to come out now."


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